Friday, October 8, 2010

Free Resume

Sign up for the to win Your FREE Professional Resume custom typed just for you...

I am accepting 100 contestants, and when this number is reached there will no more accepted...
I will randomly draw out of a hat and literally choose the winner.
The winner will fill out the required questionnaire from my website and go through the basic steps
and you will receive 100% of my one-on-one attention and you will be awarded an extremely
eye catching resume for free.
All you have to do is to leave a comment with the following info:

Your Name
Phone number
email address

That's it... So if you know of anyone that is looking for a new resume or if you need one for yourself
then it's time to start before the limit is reached.

If you have any questions please feel free to give me a call

Janis Barat
(800) 490-5494

1 comment:

  1. I have driven past your sign on Old French Town for a long time now and am in need of your services now. I do not know if this is still going on, but I figured, what the heck, it is worth a try. My name is Shaun Albright, phone # is (530)344-7605, and my email is Thank you and if it is too late for this contest, I will contact you for my free consult. Thank you.
