Monday, October 26, 2009

Video Resume vs Video Profile

OK Guys,

I need your opinion, whether it is called a video resume or a video profile. Why are people so reluctant in putting their best foot forward right away to get the job. Someone first started calling it a video resume, but it is not. It is a brief introduction of yourself, 60 seconds or less just to show your character, personality, and a brief cap of your achievements and what you have to bring to a company. There is nothing resume about it!

No matter what it should be appropriately named. Why won't you do it?

I want to know!

Janis Smith
RDE Specialists


  1. It is a great approach !!
    New, and can be very affective .
    I am out of town right now,
    but I am going to contact your company
    When I get back next week.

  2. I think most people would not represent themselves well trying to make their own video resume. I wrote a blog article about how I don't think video resumes are valuable, and could hurt you. Here is a link:
